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Learning for fun with Maine's Senior Colleges!
Maine's Senior Colleges offer both in-person and online Zoom classes. Visit Find a Senior College for more information about each college. Visit the MSCN Course Catalogs page to see the many classes available across the state for MSCN members.
Learning for Fun! There are no tests, no papers, and no grades.
We have 17 Senior Colleges in Maine and 6,500 members across the state.
Each senior college plans exciting, intellectually stimulating non-credit courses (taught by volunteers) and provides a range of exciting learning opportunities for adults over 50.
Reasonable Fees
Senior colleges charge between $25 to $35 for an annual membership, plus an additional very modest tuition for each course. Scholarships are available.
To find a current class or course offerings in your area:
Visit Find a Senior College. Follow the links to your nearest college; their website will provide more detailed information, plus their most current listing of available classes.
The Maine Senior College Network is a program of the University of Southern Maine.

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Waiting for singing class

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